X-TO-EARN Models in Web3

3 min readAug 16, 2022


The X-TO-EARN models are moulding new structures of rewards. #Gamification is transforming the way we work, play, socialize, create, and learn. Are you aware of this revolution? What types of X-TO-EARN models can we find out there and what are you doing about it? 👇🧵 👀

Play-to-earn (P2E) Users earn rewards by playing and accomplishing objectives. Tokens can be traded for FIAT or reinvested in the game. We recently partnered with Revolve Games to introduce DNAVERSE customization based on #dna into games. Improved characters based on our own genetics will level up the performance, which takes us to:

Stake-to-earn (S2E) Keep your coins locked for an amount of time to receive rewards. In-game #DeFi will also benefit from DNA-based characters, vehicles and builders since it will enhance unique features and traits. The game performance is directly related to an improvement of the liquidity staking ✨

DNAVERSE using AR and NFT with a DNA sample kit to bring your uniqueness into Metaverses

Move-to-earn (M2E), Health-to-earn (H2E), Train-to-earn (T2E) Daily sports activity, training or keeping yourself healthy will be rewarded. This is the future of #GamiFi wellbeing. Thanks to collaborations with Aimedis, Galaxy Arena, Conspicuis BE LIGHT or great collections like Non-Fungible Fungi exploring psychedelics, the shaping of individualized experiences based on our genetic predisposition has started!

Learn-to-earn (L2E), Create-to-earn (C2E) incentives learning as opposed to traditional models where people pay to learn or the #NFT technology gives creators an advantage and wider audiences, plus allowing you to earn royalties from secondary sales. Our partners at DeSciWorld and Musicia have probably a lot to say about education and creation, especially exploring together the introduction of genetics and DNA to give even more utility.

Participate-to-earn (P2E) Hold a certain amount of tokens in a network or Web3 ecosystem and be eligible to join its DAO, earning more for daily activities such as voting. The exploration of #DeSci and funding #Science #research will completely change. Besides, participation is also now rewarded with POAPs (👉Blog entry). Faceless Avatars exploring in this direction?

What other models do you know? Comment below!

The sky is the limit! LG 🚀

About DNAverse

DNAverse is focused on replicating and safeguarding organic life on the Metaverses with the world’s first NFT collection customized with real DNA data. Unique 3D pieces of art, fully individualized and 100% scientifically accurate that delivers massive utility to their holders. DNAverse was launched by 3DforScience, an internationally renowned scientific visualization studio comprised of seasoned professionals (business investors, experienced marketers, NFT specialists, scientists, designers and 3D animators) at the vanguard of NFT innovation and DeSci. DNAverse collection is the starting point of the BIOmetaverse, a widespread adoption for the masses to include their personal essence across multiverses, creating BIOavatars and geneticizing any type of NFT and Collection.

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DNAVERSE.io is the world’s first project to use real DNA data to customize an NFT collection within a sustainable business model platform for our genetic data